People who are psychic by birth generally use the etherically double the great deal. People possess what has sometimes been called " etheric sight"--that is, site capable of observing physical matter in a state of exceedingly fine subdivision, though not yet capable of discerning the subtler matter of the astral plane--frequently see it, when the looking the at any exposed portion of the human body, such as the face of the hand, multitude's a tiny forms, such as dice, stars, and double pyramids. These belong neither to the thought-plane neither to the astral, but to the etheric part of the physical. There simply is the exceedingly minute physical emanations from the body--the waste matter, consisting largely of finely divided salts, which is constantly being thrown out in this manner. The character of these tiny particles varies from many causes. Naturally loss of health often alters them entirely, but any wave of emotion will affect them to a greater or lesser extent, and the even respond to the influence of any definite train of thought.
Professor Gates is reported as saying that the material emanations of the living body differ according to the states of mind as well as the conditions of the physical health; (b) that these emanations can be tested by the chemical reactions of some salts of selenium; (c) that these reactions are characterized by various tents or colours according to the nature of the mental impressions; (d) that forty different emotion-products, as he calls them, have already been obtained.
People sometimes see the animated particles quivering with intense rapidity, and dashing about in the air before them. This again shows the possession of much increased of much etheric vision, not of mental. It is unfortunately only too common for the person who gains for the first time a glimpse of astral or even of etheric matter to jump at once to the conclusion that he is at least upon the mental level, if not upon the nirvanic, and holds in his hand the key to all the mysteries of the entire solar system. All that will come in good time, and these grander vistas will assuredly open before him one day; but he will hasten the coming of that desirable consummation if he makes sure of each step as he takes it, and tries fully to understand and make the best of what he has, before desiring more. Those who begin their experience with nirvanic vision are few and far between; for most of us, Progress must be slow and steady, and the safest motto for us is festina lente.
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